原文:The 2020 NBA Orthobiologics Consensus Statement
此篇建議為NBA隊醫學會及美國國家籃球協會球員工會 (NBPA) 共識聲明
- 退化性膝關節炎:PRP、BMAC 注射治療都能緩解症狀,其中 LP-PRP 有最多證據支持。
- 髕骨韌帶病變:PRP (優先選擇 LR-PRP)注射治療 ,可作為第一線保守治療的選擇。
- 腳踝扭傷:高位腳踝扭傷可依照狀況使用 LP-PRP 注射治療。
- 足底筋膜病變:PRP注射治療,可作為第一線保守治療的選擇。
膝蓋局部軟骨損傷 (Focal cartilage injury of the knee)
- 目前缺乏足夠的證據支持使用肌骨生物製劑注射治療膝關節局部軟骨損傷,但仍是一種安全但未經證實的症狀控制替代方案。
At this point, the NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA recognize the lack of sufficient evidence to support the use of orthobiologic injections for the definitive treatment of focal cartilage defects of the knee, although their use may be considered a safe yet unproven alternative for symptom modification in the absence of tissue repair.
退化性膝關節炎 (Knee osteoarthritis)
- PRP、BMAC、間葉基質細胞(脂肪萃取) 可以安全地用於緩解症狀,有膝關節骨關節炎證據的 NBA 球員,目前的研究中,LP-PRP 擁有最多證據支持。
- 應告知球員,使用肌骨生物製劑注射治療目前仍不能用來預防關節炎,還不確定組織是否能再生。
PRP, BMAC, and adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells can be safely used for symptomatic relief in an NBA player with evidence of knee osteoarthritis. Of these, LP-PRP has the most supportive evidence at this time.
The player should be counseled that prevention of osteoarthritis progression is unlikely with these injections and that prospects for tissue regeneration are doubtful at this time.
急性期 肌肉肌腱損傷 (Myotendinous injury)
- 不建議常規使用肌骨生物製劑注射治療急性肌肉肌腱損傷。
The NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA do not recommend the routine use of orthobiologic injections for acute muscle injuries at this time.
髕骨韌帶病變 (Patellar tendinopathy)
- 建議使用PRP注射治療 (優先選擇LR-PRP) ,作為第一線保守治療的輔助療法或保守治療失敗的選擇。
- 目前仍缺乏足夠的證據建議用細胞療法治療髕骨韌帶病變。
The NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA recommend the use of PRP injections (preferably LR-PRP) for the management of patellar tendinopathy in NBA players as an adjunct to first-line conservative treatment and/or when conservative measures fail.
At this point, the NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA recognize the lack of sufficient evidence to recommend the use of cell-based therapy for patellar tendinopathy.
腳踝扭傷 (Ankle sprains)
- 建議依照狀況考慮使用 LP-PRP 注射治療高位腳踝扭傷。
- 目前不建議使用肌骨生物製劑治療低位腳踝扭傷。
The NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA recommend considering on a case-by-case basis LP-PRP injection for the management of high-ankle sprains.
The NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA do not recommend the use of orthobiologic injections for low-ankle sprains at this time.
阿基里斯腱病變 (Achilles tendinopathy)
- 目前不建議使用肌骨生物製劑治療阿基里斯腱病變。
The NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA do not recommend the use of orthobiologic injections for Achilles tendinopathy at this time.
足底筋膜病變 (Plantar fasciopathy)
- 建議使用PRP注射治療,作為第一線保守治療的輔助療法或保守治療失敗的選擇。
- 對於細胞療法目前還沒有明確的證據支持,不推薦常規使用。
The NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA recommend consideration of the use of PRP injections for the management of plantar fasciopathy in NBA players as an adjunct to first-line conservative treatment and/or when conservative measures fail.
At this point, the NBA Team Physicians Society and the NBPA recognize the lack of sufficient evidence to support the use of cell-based therapy for plantar fasciopathy and cannot therefore recommend its routine use.
手術開刀中輔助治療 (Surgical augmentation)
- 目前,沒有證據支持使用 PRP 來增強 ACL (前十字韌帶)重建和/或半月板修補。
- BMAC 和基質血管細胞(脂肪來源)可能在軟骨修復中起到加分作用,但目前不推薦常規使用。
At this time, there is no evidence to support the use of PRP to augment ACL reconstruction and/or meniscal repair.
BMAC and adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells may be additive in cartilage restoration procedures, yet we cannot recommend the routine use based on existing data.
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